7 LinkedIn Hacks To Boost Your Views and Engagement

Hack 1 – Use Video

Videos are 20x more likely to be shared and viewed over regular written posts.

Keep your videos short, under 60 seconds and informative.

LinkedIn is a business network, so you need to add subtitles along with your audio.

Hack 2 – Post Frequently

Ensure that you frequently post on LinkedIn at least two if not three times a week with your unique content.

The more you pop up in the feed, the more likely people will take notice and click through to read your posts.

Spend a day or a half day coming up with a whole bunch of posts that you can share on LinkedIn over the next week or two.

Having content ready to go is the only way you are going to be able to keep up with your posting frequency.

Hack 3 – Post First Thing In The Morning

LinkedIn is a business social channel, so most people you want to read and engage with your posts are active between 8 am and 9 pm.

Early morning is when people commute to work when they are in the car, on their bike or using public transport – catching up on LinkedIn content.

Maybe they are having their morning tea or coffee getting ready to work at home.

This is the magical time you want your content hitting the LinkedIn feed.

The amount of engagement trails off as the workday kicks in, and after 4 pm – forget it.

Finished up your article the day or evening before and queue it up, so you’re ready to post that first thing at 8 am the following day.

Hack 4 – Follow Up Within The First Hour

I see most people who post on LinkedIn leave their content flapping around, gathering dust, hoping that the LinkedIn algorithm will magically show it in the feed to thousands of views.

This isn’t going to happen.

The LinkedIn algorithm looks for engaging posts.

So make sure within that first hour of posting that you are commenting on your own post and tagging others to read and engage.

Like and reply to all comments, no matter how basic they are – this increases the engagement and popularity of the content and helps boost it up in the LinkedIn feed.

Like any other social network, LinkedIn wants to keep you browsing through its content.

Suppose you add an external link directly in your initial post. 

In that case, the LinkedIn algorithm will automatically downgrade the quality of your post, which will result in fewer people seeing it.

If you need to add a link along with your LinkedIn post, say something like, “For more info, click the link in the comments below.” and add it as the first comment after you publish your post.

The LinkedIn article doesn’t care about links in the comments – people do that all the time – but never add a link directly to your LinkedIn posts.

Hack 6 – Engage With Your Peers

It would be best to spend a couple of hours a week engaging with posts from those within your network.

LinkedIn will start to see you as a thought leader and somebody who is very engaged in that topic, which will help boost your profile and posts.

Hack 7 – Share Helpful Content

It would help if you were thinking about your LinkedIn target audience’s problems and start sharing solutions.

Do they need to find more time in the day?

Do they need financial advice?

Do they need to exercise or meditate more?

What content can you share with them that they will find helpful?

If you continually share helpful content, your engagement will increase, and the LinkedIn algorithm will begin to share your posts more prominently in the feed.

Bonus Hack – Turn On Creator Mode

The relatively new LinkedIn Creator mode makes your articles and posts more visible to LinkedIn users to increase engagement.


There are my 7 LinkedIn hacks to boost your content views and engagement.

Let me know in the comments below if these hacks have worked for you.

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