About Wil

Hey there, I’m Wil. 🙋‍♂️

I’m a Husband, Dad, WordPress Consultant, Business Coach and Educator living in Sydney, Australia.

I’ve been freelancing since 2005, and I have a real passion for teaching others.

This is my personal brand website, where I offer online courses and business coaching.

You’ll probably bump into me speaking at a meetup group or other tech conferences across Australia and online.

Look out for the Scottish speaker wearing shorts – even in winter! 😁

Why I Do What I Do?

I am passionate about enabling individuals to work to live rather than live to work.

I see many freelancers slave for 60 to 80 hours weekly to pay the bills and keep the lights on, leaving no time for themselves or family. That’s not right.

Running a successful business should allow you to live your best life, providing love, support, opportunities, growth and finances for your family.

Mission Statement

To help WordPress developers and designers grow their WordPress business by getting more clients and increasing monthly revenue to build a sustainable and profitable business.


When engaging with the community, projects and clients, there are a set of values I hold myself up to.

Transparency: There’s no black box where magic stuff happens. My work is transparent; I’m open and honest in all business activities.

Sustainability: I want my boy to have a planet where he can grow up and into. I consider the cost to the environment in every action. I walk or use public transport as much as possible (we didn’t have a car until my boy started primary school). We have roof-top solar. We recycle and reuse whatever we can and grow our own veggies.

Respect: I will be respectful of others regardless of my own views and theirs. Let’s be polite to each other.

Integrity: I’ll be honest and ethical in working and engaging with others. I’m not a “yes” man; I call things as they are. I’ll give you an honest and respectful answer.

Innovation: I love the phrase, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” However, I continually embrace new technologies and methodologies to improve and tweak processes.

Community: Being active and supportive through charitable giving, volunteerism, and community outreach. We’re built to be sociable. Life is sad without a community of like-minded peers.

Family-First: Work is important. Clients are valued. But family always comes first.


Building and engaging with a community of like-minded souls is super important for continued growth and sanity.

I help with the following events and organisation:

WordPress Contributions

Plugin Developer
Plugin Developer
WordCamp Organiser
WordCamp Organiser
WordCamp Speaker
WordCamp Speaker
Photo Contributor
Photo Contributor



I own and run ZeroPoint Development, a WordPress freelance consultancy company, WP Wingman, a WordPress site care company and the Website Owner’s Survival Guide (WOSG).

External Articles

Here’s a list of my external articles, guest blogs and other media.

Wil Brown – Gallery

Follow Me On The Socials